This is my guinea pig Scruffy.  He has been a challenge.  I adopted him from a rescue in Jan of 2014 and he is a nippy little guy and hates being picked up.  I love him though, he has so much personality!


My Canadian Chatty Baby

She is in very good condition but does not talk anymore.

Unmarked Doll

Probably a Canadian Regal Toy Co.


Newborn Thumbelina and Sister Thumbelina.  Both my dolls from childhood.  Both having bad hair days.

A doll I purchased my mom for Christmas in 1985 or 1986.

My old couple.

Grocery store stamp doll from the 1950's.

A Reborn baby made by me.


Regal Toy Co. doll.  You ordered these dolls from the Sears catalogue in the 1970's.  They were meant to be displayed on a bed.  She is wearing her original dress. I received her for Christmas around 1974.

Doll made for my Mom by my sister-in-law.

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