I started following a strict keto diet on Oct 5, 2014.  Prior to that I had been cutting out grains slowly for most of August and September.  I thought that by going at it slowly I would avoid a bad case of low carb flu.  Boy was I wrong.  On day 3,4 and 5 I felt like I had a total body flu.  At the time I didn't know that I should be drinking broth and taking a magnesium and potassium supplement.  Once I started on the supplements I felt better within a few hours. 

Its amazing what happens when you are depleting your body of glycogen and moving to fat burning.  Once I was in ketosis I still didn't feel really good for about 3 to 4 weeks.  Everyone is different and some people  start to feel good fast and others like me take longer.  I just figured I was in this for the long haul and just stuck with it.  There was a light at the end of my tunnel.  Once I started to feel better, I felt great!  I have energy that I didn't know was possible.  My rheumatoid arthritis has gotten remarkably better, I have almost no pain anymore and I have lost 31lbs to date (Jan 12, 2015).  It has been just over 3 months since I started my journey.  

Books I have read that have helped me follow a ketogenic diet:

Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis

Wheat Belly cookbook by Dr. William Davis

Keto Clarity by Jimmy Moore

Atkins New Diet Revolution by Dr. Robert Atkins 2002 edition

I also follow Stephanie Person on facebook 

Jennifer Matthews of The Wellness Empire has wonderful podcasts loaded with information.

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